BREAKING: Newcastle United Star Player, Miguel Almiron, Tragically Killed in Paranormal Incident Involving Haunted Football


Newcastle United Star Player, Miguel Almiron, Tragically Killed in Paranormal Incident Involving Haunted Football


In a devastating turn of events, Newcastle United’s star player, Miguel Almiron, has tragically passed away in a bizarre incident involving a haunted football.


According to eyewitnesses, Almiron was possessed by the vengeful spirit of an ancient pharaoh during a training session, causing him to run wildly into the stadium’s goalpost.


“I couldn’t believe my eyes!” said a teammate. “Miguel was screaming ‘The pharaoh’s curse!’ as he ran into the post!”


Fans are in mourning, with many speculating about the supernatural circumstances surrounding Almiron’s untimely death.


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