BREAKING NEWS: Jerome Bettis ask Parker tell me you’re cult without telling me you’re in a cult

Parker told Jerome Bettis a story that clarified his experiences during a recent conversation. Parker said, “So, there’s this place where we all gather every week,” with a sincerity that attracted Bettis’s attention. You know, we have these rituals. We have a leader that leads us through everything, and everyone dresses in these particular clothes.”

Jerome Bettis ask Parker tell me you're cult without telling me you're in a cult
Jerome Bettis ask Parker tell me you’re cult without telling me you’re in a cult

Intrigued, Bettis nodded. He said warily, “Sounds like a pretty tight-knit community.”

Parker said, “Oh, definitely,” as his eyes gleamed. “And the things we chant together, you won’t believe them. It truly unites us all and is like our own language, don’t you think?

Bettis wrinkled his forehead a little, not sure where this was headed. With a hope of clarification, he questioned, “And what about the leader?”

Parker gave a knowing smile. “Oh, he really is amazing. We cling to every word he says. He leads us to enlightenment and fulfillment, just like a guru would. It seems as though he anticipates our needs perfectly.”

Parker went on to discuss, and Bettis couldn’t get rid of the impression that something more profound was happening. He tried to put it all together, summarizing, “So, it’s like a community where everyone follows the same path, wears the same clothes, and chants together?”

“Yeah, exactly!” Parker gave a hearty shout. It seems as though we are all a part of this greater goal, this great mission. Really, we’re like a family.”

With a hesitant nod, Bettis realized Parker had unintentionally painted a picture of a place that seemed oddly familiar. With caution, he said, “It sounds like you’re really committed to this.”

Without hesitation, Parker answered, “Oh, absolutely.” “Once you enter, you cannot exit. You realize it’s a way of life?”

Jerome Bettis was curious about the extent of this community’s effect when he heard Parker’s account. It was obvious that Parker saw this as something far more than a bunch of like-minded people, something that influenced his views and behavior in ways Bettis could never fathom.

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