UNBELIEVABLE: Essendon’s head coach Brad Scott has announced his departure date, and he brutally explained how he feels.

In a shocking turn of events, Essendon’s head coach Brad Scott has announced his departure date, sending ripples through the football community. The news comes with a raw and candid expression of his feelings, as Scott opens up about his decision to leave the club.

Scott’s departure marks the end of an era for Essendon, with his tenure leaving a lasting impact on the team and its fans. His departure date is not just a date on the calendar; it’s a symbolic moment that signifies the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another.

In his announcement, Scott’s words are likely to resonate deeply with fans and players alike, as he reflects on his time with the club and shares his thoughts on the future. His honesty and openness in expressing his feelings add a personal touch to the announcement, giving insight into the emotions behind his decision.

As Essendon prepares to bid farewell to Scott, the football world waits in anticipation to see what the future holds for both him and the club. Scott’s departure will undoubtedly leave a void, but it also paves the way for new beginnings and opportunities for growth.

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