BREAKING NEWS: Justin Fields, a Chicago Bears fan, exposes the reason for unfollowing Bears on Instagram.

A major storyline for the Bears this offseason is whether they will remain with Justin Fields at quarterback. Chicago holds the first pick in the 2024 NFL Draft. And with so many fascinating quarterbacks available, it’s understandable to question if they’ll try to start over. It has sparked a flood of trade rumors since before the offseason began.

If it were up to Fields, he would stay in the Windy City.

“Of course, I want to stay,” Fields stated during an appearance on The 33rd Team’s “St. Brown Bros Podcast.” “I can’t see myself playing anywhere else, but if it were up to me, I’d stay in Chicago.” I adore the city. The city is lighted. The fans are fantastic, as are the people. It is a business. I have no control, therefore whatever occurs happens. But, most importantly, with everything going on right now, I simply want it to stop. Please let me know if I’m getting swapped. Let me know if I’m staying here or there because I enjoy seeing films in the offseason.”

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